SpeX Observing Log (copied from Joe's previous log (08-26)) Date 20020902 UT Telescope IRTF Observers Richardson w/ Dave Greip (TO) Directory duke:/scrs1/jh/2002-IRTF/2002-09-02 IRTFmacros /home/bigdog/macro/bigdog (link /home/guest04/bdmac) jhmacros /scrs1/jh/2002-IRTF/macros NASA IRTF Hale Pohaku: (808) 974-4213 HP Dining: (808) 935-7606 Summit: (808) 974-4209, -4210 Summit spkr: (808) 974-4211 Hilo: (808) 932-2300 Bobby Bus: (808) 895-8830 cell (808) 933-2894 home (808) 932-2371 office Jeremy cell: (301) 442-1326 KeckII wai. (808) 881-3880 Arrived ~6pm Clouds forming... rel hum: ~17% *** Started all windows as directed ----don't know exactly what all this is; I started the gui's xterm -sl 3000 -sb -display :0.1 & ssh bigdog.ifa.hawaii.edu -l guest04 startdv & xterm -sl 3000 -sb -display :0.1 & ssh bigdog.ifa.hawaii.edu -l guest04 bigdogxui & xterm -sl 3000 -sb & ssh guidedog.ifa.hawaii.edu -l guest04 startdv & xterm -sl 3000 -sb & ssh guidedog.ifa.hawaii.edu -l guest04 guidedogxui & xterm -sl 3000 -sb & ssh stefan.ifa.hawaii.edu -l guest04 tcs1_status & xterm -sl 3000 -sb & ssh tt@mother.ifa.hawaii.edu wai!mea ttconx & ---- *** Ran array_init macro for both bigdog and guidedog BIGDOG XUI: set observers: Richardson w/ Greip (TO) directory: /scrs1/jh/2002-IRTF/2002-09-02/bigdog prefix: big macrodir: /scrs1/jh/2002-IRTF/macros GPStime support checked mirror: out shutter: open OS filter: open dichroic: open slit: 0.5"x15" grating: ShortXD NDR 2 slow count 6 itime 15 coadd 4 cycle 2 bigdog dv: setup->div by divisor WANT: 4000 max for nonlinear GUIDEDOG XUI: set observers: Harrington, w/ Sears (TO) directory: /scrs1/jh/2002-IRTF/2002-08-26/guidedog prefix: guide GPStime support checked NDR 5 slow count 8 guidedog dv: box star w/ middle button, zoom setup->div by divisor WANT: 2000 max for nonlinear bigdog: saturation 7000 linear 4000 -- keep to 3000 in case seeing gets good should nod often enough to get good sky-line subtraction, no longer than 2 min guidedog: stay below 2000 update every 1.5 sec when guiding for guiding on either prog or cal, 0.25, 6, 1 for FWHM, do 10 sec total integration Sun Sep 01 Mon Sep 02 5:00 UT focus star 7.2 mag A0 SAO 102935 ??set range -1000 to 1700 z -1.4 itime 0.5 coadd 4 cycles 100 -1.2 bad -1.3 2370 2512 -1.4 1942 2556 -1.5 785 800 -1.35 2647 3187 looks best -1.38 best (Dave focussed) Seeing: itime 0.5 coadd 4 cycle 100 5.1*0.12"=" seeing *** reminding myself how everything works... *** other notes Dome T = 3.9 C *** Do one of Drake's tests on "flopping" FRAME OBJECT ITIME COADD CYCLE TIME(UT) AIRMASS big0001 sao 102935 15 4 4 5:35 1.012 big0008 15 4 2 5:41 1.014 SLIT0.8 big0013 5:46 1.107 SLIT1.6 big0017 NO GUIDING obj gone big0020 5:57 OUT OF FOCUS z -1.60 ---------------------------- now ready for real data move to 210483 flat0025cal_sxd_0.5 6:05 1.640 arc0030 guide on itime 0.25 coadd 6 sync parallactic angle big0033 HD210483 15 4 2 6:14 1.561 big0037 HD209458 6:20 forgot to change objname ***reset crosshairs (way off after rotating slit) big0041 HD210483 6:29 1.455 big0045 HD209458 big0049 HD210483 big0053 HD209458 6:44 1.338 big0057 HD210483 6:50 1.339 big0060 HD209458 6:55 1.284 flat0065 cal_sxd_0.5 7:04 arc0071 ***parameters did not reset after cal macro big0073 HD210483 15 4 2 7:11 1.249 ***Actually, the cal macro is what failed... Lost last arc file; need to repeat cal macro flat0077 cal_sxd_0.5 7:15 arc0082 big0085 HD209458 7:18 1.197 big0089 HD210483 7:23 1.205 big0093 HD209458 7:28 1.167 big0097 HD210483 7:33 1.173 big0101 HD209458 7:38 1.139 ***check focus z -1.40 z -1.45 3046 2500 z -1.50 3251 2547 z -1.43 z -1.7 bad z -1.47 2783 z -1.50 seems to give lowest fwhm seeing: fwhm = 7.7 7. *0.12 = *** Gave up on caring about focus; probably not optimized; shouldn't affect us *** Got distracted by phone---check RA in fits header to figure out which object I was looking at for the following two abbas big0105 HD210483 CHECK OBJECT! 8:04 1.083 big0109 HD209458 CHECK OBJECT! 8:09 1.087 big0113 HD209458 flat0117 cal_sxd_0.5 8:19 arc0122 big0125 HD210483 8:23 1.063 big0129 HD209458 *** Changed coadds to 8 --ooops, should have started like this big0133 HD210483 15 8 2 8:34 1.047 big0137 HD209458 8 8:43 1.028 dome T = 4.4 C big0141 HD210483 8:52 1.026 big0145 HD209458 9:02 1.012 move to comp *** quick focus check z -1.3 z -1.4 -best z -1.5 z -1.6 z -1.7 z -1.47 *** fwhm = 5.55 ready for cal flat0149 cal_sxd_0.5 9:19 arc0154 ***stop syncing with parallactic angle big0157 HD210483 9:22 1.005 big0161 HD209458 9:31 1.001 big0165 HD210483 9:41 1.000 big0169 Hd209458 9:50 1.000 big0173 HD210483 9:59 1.001 *** resume syncing with parallactic angle big0177 HD209458 10:10 1.008 relative humidity = 8.9% dome T = 4.4 C low winds move to comp *** cal macro failed again; don't know why flat0181 cal_sxd_0.5 10:23 arc0186 big0189 HD210483 15 8 2 10:26 1.014 big0193 HD209458 10:35 1.027 big0197 HD210483 10:44 1.029 big0201 HD209458 10:53 1.049 big0205 HD210483 11:02 1.051 big0209 HD209458 11:12 1.078 move to comp, time for cal macro flat0213 cal_sxd_0.5 11:22 arc0218 big0221 HD210483 11:24 1.087 *** quick chekc of focus--looked pretty bad z -1.6 fwhm = 6.36, 5.7 slightly better, image is smaller dome T = 3.1 C big0225 HD209458 11:38 1.133 big0229 HD210483 11:47 1.138 big0233 HD209458 11:56 1.184 big0237 HD210483 12:06 1.190 *** time for cal macro flat0241 cal_sxd_0.5 12:15 arc0246 big0249 HD209458 12:18 1.258 big0253 HD210483 12:27 1.266 big0257 HD209458 12:37 1.342 big0261 HD210483 12:46 1.354 big0265 HD209458 12:59 1.472 big0269 HD210483 13:09 1.484 *** time for cal macro flat0273 cal_sxd_0.5 13:18 arc0278 *** check focus--image looks bad set to z -1.73 slightly better, image is smaller fwhm = 6.09 (vertical cut not as good) big0281 HD209458 15 8 2 13:26 1.672 big0285 HD210483 13:35 1.693 big0289 HD209458 13:44 1.870 big0293 HD210483 13:54 1.895 big0297 HD209458 14:04 2.139 big0301 HD210483 14:13 2.176 big0305 HD209458 14:22 2.500 big0309 HD210483 14:32 2.548 ** may have lost the last ab pair; star has almost disappeared ***final cal macro flat0313 cal_sxd_0.5 arc0318 *** move back to zenith *** pick a star near zenith: 8.5 mag G0--SAO 75739 *** Persistence test big0321 SAO75539 15 8 2 14:46 1.000 big0325 " 15 8 1 14:55 A beam only *** wait 2 min big0326 15 8 1 15:00 B beam only *** wait 2 min big0327 15 8 1 15:04 B beam only *** wait 2 min big0328 15 8 1 15:08 A beam only *** Dark frames shutter closed dichroic open (as before) os filt open (as before) others same as before dark0329 15 1 4 ***oops still set at A only; repeat dark0333 15 1 4 15:13 dark0341 30 1 2 15:15 dark0345 60 1 2 15:18 dark0349 120 1 2 15:22? ---------------- start linear.spex lin0353 Going down, linear.spex is still running. *** Complete copying of data to dosequis temporary directory is /data3/jeremy/irtf_tmp/ Drake will move these to the permanent directory later (I don't have permission to write to these directories) At HP, macro has finished. lamps off mirror in shutter closed os blank kill all windows - remotely logged into bigdog and kill -HUP bigdogxui *** I couldn't figure out which processes to kill. Eventually I killed the wrong one and destroyed the display I was using. Now there are no "old" processes running, so I guess the ones at the summit have been destroyed. I may not be sure about the processes running at the summit, but I am sure the instrument was left in the proper shutdown configuration.