SIMPLE = T /image conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 /bits per data value . NAXIS = 2 /number of axes NAXIS1 = 41 / NAXIS2 = 41 / OBJECT = '1997XF11 ' / Object name TELESCOP= 'IRTF ' / Name of telescope INSTRUME= 'MIRSI ' / Name of instrument used OBSERVER= 'Adams,Kassis, Hora' / Observers names SOFTVER = 'Observing Window --- MIRSI version 4.9' / DATE-OBS= '11/03/2002 ' / Date of observation TIME-STR= '08:46:46 ' / Start time of the exposure TIME-END= '08:46:46 ' / Time after image read by host computer. LST-STR = 'hh:mm:ss.s ' / LST at start of image EQUINOX = '2000 ' / Equinox of coordinates RA = '22:29:00.0 ' / Right Ascension of object DEC = '-12:56:00.0 ' / Declination of object RA-OFF = '10.0 ' / Offset in RA in arcsec DEC-OFF = '-5.0 ' / Offset in Dec in arcsec EXPTIME = 30.0117 / On source integration time (s) FRAME-T = 32.41 / Length of individual frame (ms) CHOPFREQ= 0.0 / Chop frequency (Hz) CHOPWAIT= 0.0 / Settling time between chops (ms) NCOADS = 926 / Number of frames co-added to in hardware IFRAME-T= 7 / Frame length (shortest frame time) F-CH0P = 0 / # of frames coadded during each chop F-CHPWAT= 0 / Settling time between chops (Frame Time) OBS-MODE= 'grab ' / Observing mode BEAM = 'A ' / Beam position AIRMASS = 1.1893426 / Airmass IMG_TYPE= 'Image ' / Image_type WHEEL1 = '25833 ' / Absolute position of Wheel 1 WHEEL2 = '9688 ' / Absolute position of Wheel 2 WHEEL3 = '22000 ' / Absolute position of Wheel 3 HEATER = 0.0 / Heater Voltage TSTAGE-K= 0.0 / Temperature of Stage (K) TSTAGE-V= 0.0 / Temperature of Stage (V) T-LHE = 0.0 / Temperature of the Optics box T-LN2 = 0.0 / Temperature of the LN_2 sheild T-FLOAT = 0.0 / Temperature of the floating sheild T-AMBIEN= 0.0 / Temperature of the room/dewar case COMMENT1= None COMMENT2= None COMMENT3= None BSCALE = 1.00000 / 1.0/ncoads (scales image display) XAXIS = 'RA ' / Coordinate along the image x-axis YAXIS = 'DEC ' / Coordinate along the image y-axis LAMBDA = '9.8 ' / Central wavelength of the filter used. TEL-OP = 'Griep ' / Name of the Telescope Operator(s) TEL-LONG= '155:28:19.19564 ' / Longitude of the Observatory TEL-LAT = '+19:49:34.38594 ' / Latitude of the observatory OBJEPOCH= '2000.0 ' / Epoch of the object coordinates CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN ' / Type of axis 1 CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN ' / Type of axis 2 CRVAL1 = '-11.5166666666666' / Value at the center of axis 1 CRVAL2 = '22.933333333333334' / Value at the center of axis 2 CRPIX1 = '160 ' / Reference pixel on axis 1 CRPIX2 = '120 ' / Reference pixel on axis 2 CDELT1 = '1.8518518518518518E-5' / Scale on axis 1 CDELT2 = '2.777777777777778E-4' / Scale on axis 2 CROTA1 = '0.0 ' / Rotation F_NAME = 'm20021103 ' / Image file name F_NUMB = 87 / Image file number TIMEFILE= ' ' / Timing file used during acquisition UNKNOWN1= 'blank ' / Blank field UNKNOWN2= 'blank ' / Blank field UNKNOWN3= 'blank ' / Blank field ORIGINAL= 'm20021103_0087.fits' / COMMENT = coadded images w/20 col median filter COMMENT = Final Registration END