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Object query :
search HD22859
===> Your identifier (HD22859) is translated to : HD 22859

Available data: Basic data
Plot & image tools
External archives

Basic data : HD 22859 -- Star
with radius arc min.
ICRS 2000.0 coordinates
03 41 43.3537 +37 35 13.756 [10.52 7.47 92] A 1997A&A...323L..49P
FK5 2000.0/2000.0 coordinates
03 41 43.35 +37 35 13.8 [10.52 7.47 91]
FK4 1950.0/1950.0 coordinates
03 38 27.50 +37 25 40.7 [60.18 42.26 88]
Galactic coordinates
156.46 -13.96
Proper motion (mas/yr) [error ellipse]
20.96 -28.28 [ 1.16 .83 90] A 1997A&A...323L..49P
B magn, V magn, Peculiarities 7.85, 7.80
Spectral type
Parallaxes (mas)
5.87 [1.02] A 1997A&A...323L..49P

Identifiers (15):
HD 22859                      AG+37 432                     BD+37 814
[C93] 32                      GEN# +1.00022859              GSC 02863-00990
HIC 17254                     HIP 17254                     PPM 68697
SAO 56637                     SKY# 5597                     TD1 2405
TYC 2863 990 1                UBV 3491                      UBV M 9631

Plots and image tools:

Aladin Previewer Aladin Java Applet
Simbad Plot

radius arc min.
Aladin Previewer Aladin Java Applet

References: 3 from 1983 to 2001
from to

 SAO  (1)      UBV  (1)     

External archives :

  • Catalogue information from VizieR :
    HD 22859 AG+37 432 GSC 02863-00990 HIC 17254
    PPM 68697 SAO 56637 TYC 2863 990 1

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