To install gnuplot-mode: 1. At the command line: > configure > make If you use XEmacs, do "make EMACS=xemacs" (or change the EMACS variable to "xemacs" in the Makefile, the run "make"). If "configure" doesn't work for you, the file "Makefile.dst" can be used. In that case do, "make -f Makefile.dst". 2. Move the .elc files to a place where emacs can find them, for example /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp or your personal emacs directory. 3. Insert the contents of the `dotemacs' file into your .emacs file or system start-up file to enable gnuplot mode. 4. The function `gnuplot-info-lookup-symbol' looks at the Gnuplot info file that comes with this package or that can be made from the Gnuplot distribution. For that function to work, the file must be placed somewhere where info can find it, for example /usr/info. A line like this in your .emacs allows you to put any place convenient: (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "/path/to/file") The "configure; make" sequence may not work on all systems, particularly Win32 systems. The long-winded way of making the .elc files is to edit each of the .el files with emacs and do `M-x byte-compile-file'. Then "latex gpelcard.tex" and "dvips gpelcard.dvi". You will need to follow the instructions contained in the file Win9x/INSTALL.Win9x to get gnuplot working with Emacs on a Windows 95 or 98 machine. Problems? Contact gnuplot-mode's author Bruce Ravel