pro avgmed,out,images,filename=filename,log=log, $ noweight=noweight,nocoadd=nocoadd,average=average, $ evenmed=evenmed,maxrej=maxrej,minrej=minrej, $ silent=silent ;+ ; Median average a stack of FITS images, with optional median weighting. ; All frames are weighted by their medians, unless /noweight is set. ; If /log, then writes weights to a file as well and the options chosen. ; ; 5/20/94 M. Liu (UCB) ; ; All frames read from file are normalized by their # of coadds ; unless /nocoadd is set ; ; 6/27/94 MCL ; ; Added ability to read images from IDL array (in a very inelegant way) ; if want to work with IDL array, just call avgmed like: ; IDL> avgmed, out, array ; to read stuff from a file, just define the 'filename' parameter: ; IDL> avgmed, out, filename='file.list' ; 7/01/94 ; ; significant modifications: ; ; 1. modified median averaging so images are scaled to the average ; of all the medians, instead of the median of the first image ; -> this bombs if an image has a median = 0 ; ; 2. when median filtering if have <= 6 images, will take the mean ; of the middle 2 images when there is an even (2,4,6) number of images ; (only if /evenmed set since this can be quite S-L-O-W); this probably ; make little difference in practice ; ; 3. added 'minrej' and 'maxrej': will toss these number of values ; out before median averaging (no effect for arithmatic avg) ; note: this is done AFTER any weighting. ; ; 4. major editing of program to make it nicer ; ; 12/13/94 ; ; added minrej/maxrej option for arithmatic averaging as well ; and modified to toss more than one pixel ; ; 6/2/95 MCL ; ; don't make a copy of the original images, instead doing scaling ; when do median filtering - runs about 10% faster for ; a stack of 30 images with simple median averaging ; ; 7/2/95 MCL ; ; corrected error in calculating the proper image weights ; (was incorrectly scaling the weights to 1.0 by multiplying by the ; average value instead of dividing by it!) ; 12/17/96 MCL ; ; the above bug fix was wrong - no idea why I thought it was right! ; 01/29/97 ; ; new algorithm for /evenmed - may be faster, but untested ; 05/04/97 MCL ;- if (n_params() lt 2) then begin print,'avgmed,out,images,[filename=],[log=],' print,' [noweight],[nocoadd],[average],' print,' [evenmed],[maxrej=],[minrej=],[silent]' return endif ; beginning messages if keyword_set(silent) eq 0 then begin ; print,'--> did you remember to subtract the bias? <--' if (keyword_set(noweight) eq 1) then print,'* no weighting for averaging *' $ else print,'* median weighting for averaging *' if (keyword_set(filename) eq 1) then begin if (keyword_set(nocoadd) eq 1) then $ print,'* not dividing each frame by number of coadds *' $ else print,'* dividing each frame by number of coadds *' endif endif ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (1) figure out how many images: ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (a) either from an input file, not counting blank lines ; if keyword_set(filename) eq 1 then begin print,format='($,"* reading images from file ",A,": ")',filename openr,unit0,filename,/get_lun n = 0 file = ' ' while eof(unit0) ne 1 do begin readf,unit0,file if (strlen(file) ne 0) then n = n+1 endwhile print,strc(n),' files *' free_lun,unit0 ; ; (b) or from IDL array ; endif else begin sz = size(images) xs = sz(1) ys = sz(2) n = sz(3) ; imgs = fltarr(xs,ys,n) ; if keyword_set(silent) eq 0 then $ ; print,'* reading ',strc(n),' images from IDL array *' endelse ; ; set up output array and make sure things are ok ; out = fltarr(xs,ys) if keyword_set(maxrej) or keyword_set(minrej) then begin if (maxrej+minrej) gt n then message,'(minrej+maxrej) too large!' if minrej gt n then message,'minrej too large!' if maxrej gt n then message,'maxrej too large!' endif else begin if keyword_set(minrej) eq 0 then minrej = 0 if keyword_set(maxrej) eq 0 then maxrej = 0 endelse ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (2) read in images ; --------------------------------------------------; ; (2a) from a file ; if keyword_set(filename) eq 1 then begin openr,unit0,filename,/get_lun ; get the images for i =0,(n-1) do begin readf,unit0,file ; first image defines array sizes if (i eq 0) then begin out = readfits(file,head,/silent) sz = size(out) xs = sz(1) ys = sz(2) imgs = fltarr(xs,ys,n) imgs(*,*,0) = out print,'image size = ',strc(sz(1)),' x ',strc(sz(2)) endif else begin ; imgs(*,*,i) = readfits(file,head,/silent) images(*,*,i) = readfits(file,head,/silent) endelse ; normalize by # of coadds if desired if (keyword_set(nocoadd) eq 0) then begin extract_head,head,'M56COAD0',coadd imgs(*,*,i) = imgs(*,*,i) / float(coadd) endif endfor free_lun,unit0 ; ; (2b) or images already in a 3d array, just get the medians ; endif else begin ;;; imgs = images ; don't change the originals! endelse ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (3) median weighting so medians for all images ; are equal to the average of all the image medians ; -------------------------------------------------- ; wtlist = fltarr(n)+1.0 if keyword_set(noweight) eq 0 then begin ; get medians medlist = fltarr(n,/nozero) for k=0,n-1 do begin medlist(k) = median(images(*,*,k)) endfor ; scale the images mm = total(medlist) / n for k = 0,n-1 do $ wtlist(k) = mm / medlist(k) ; wtlist(k) = 1./medlist(k) / mm ; -> 12/17/96 edit is wrong! ; fancy two column printing of weights if keyword_set(silent) eq 0 then begin for k = 0,n/2-1 do begin print,'image ',strc(k),' weight = ',strc(wtlist(k)),$ ' image ',strc(k+n/2),' weight = ', $ strc(wtlist(k+n/2)) endfor if (n-1)/2 eq n/2 then $ print,'image ',strc(n-1),' weight = ',strc(wtlist(n-1)) endif endif ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (4) median averaging ; -------------------------------------------------- ; if keyword_set(average) eq 0 then begin print,'* median averaging frames *' ; ; (4a) evenmed: if number of images is even, ; instead of using IDL's median (the higher value), take average ; of the two values straddling the center ; if (n/2 eq n/2.0) and keyword_set(evenmed) then begin print,'* even # of frames: using modified median *' if (n eq 2) then begin out = (images(*,*,0) + images(*,*,1))/2.0 endif else begin for j = 0,(ys-1) do $ for i = 0,(xs-1) do begin cut = images(i,j,*)*wtlist ; this method is more elegant, but may actually be slower, ; at least for only 4 images (maybe faster for more images) mcut = median(cut) ww = where(cut ne mcut, nw) if (nw gt 0) then $ out(i, j) = (mcut+median(cut(ww)))/2.0 $ else $ out(i, j) = mcut ; old method: ; cut = cut(sort(cut)) ; out(i,j) = (cut((n-1)/2) + cut(n/2)) / 2.0 if i eq 40 and j eq 40 then $ print,'compare ',out(i,j),' with ',median(images(i,j,*)*wtlist) endfor endelse ; ; (4b) minrej & maxrej: toss the highest and/or lowest pixels before ; median averaging (this only matters if maxrej != minrej) ; endif else if keyword_set(maxrej) and keyword_set(minrej) then begin aa = 0 zz = n-1 if keyword_set(maxrej) then begin print,'* maxrej: tossing highest pixel *' zz = n-2 endif if keyword_set(minrej) then begin print,'* minrej: tossing lowest pixel *' aa = 1 endif if keyword_set(minrej) and keyword_set(maxrej) then begin if minrej eq maxrej then print,$ '* minrej=maxrej w/median averaging does nothing! *' endif for j = 0,(ys-1) do begin for i = 0,(xs-1) do begin cut = images(i,j,*)*wtlist cut = cut(sort(cut)) out(i,j) = median(cut(aa:zz)) endfor endfor ; ; (4c) just median average each pixel ; endif else begin for j = 0,(ys-1) do $ for i = 0,(xs-1) do begin out(i,j) = median(images(i,j,*)*wtlist) endfor endelse ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (5) arithmatic averaging ; -------------------------------------------------- ; endif else begin print,'* arithmatic averaging frames *' ; ; (5a) with minrej and/or maxrej before averaging ; if keyword_set(maxrej) or keyword_set(minrej) then begin aa = 0 zz = n-1 nn = n if keyword_set(maxrej) then begin print,'* maxrej: tossing highest ',strc(maxrej),' pixels *' zz = zz - maxrej nn = nn - maxrej endif if keyword_set(minrej) then begin print,'* minrej: tossing lowest ',strc(minrej),' pixels *' aa = minrej nn = nn - minrej endif for j = 0,(ys-1) do begin for i = 0,(xs-1) do begin cut = images(i,j,*)*wtlist cut = cut(sort(cut)) out(i,j) = total(cut(aa:zz))/nn endfor endfor ; ; (5b) plain arithmatic averaging ; endif else begin for j = 0,(ys-1) do $ for i = 0,(xs-1) do $ out(i,j) = total(images(i,j,*)*wtlist)/n endelse endelse ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; (6) write to log file ; -------------------------------------------------- ; if keyword_set(log) then begin print,'writing to log file: ',log openw,unitlog,log,/get_lun printf,'** log file from **' if keyword_set(filename) eq 1 then begin openr,unit0,filename,/get_lun file = ' ' while eof(unit0) ne 1 do begin readf,unit0,file if (strlen(file) ne 0) then n = n+1 endwhile printf,unitlog,file,' ',strc(wtlist(i)) free_lun,unit0 endif else for i=0,(n-1) do printf,unitlog,'image ',strc(i),$ ' ',strc(wtlist(i)) if keyword_set(nocoadd) then $ printf,unitlog,'* not normalized to counts/coadd *' $ else printf,unitlog,'* normalized to counts/coadd *' if keyword_set(noweight) then $ printf,unitlog,'* no weighting for frames *' $ else printf,unitlog,'* median weighting for frames *' if keyword_set(average) eq 0 then $ printf,unitlog,'* median averaged frames *' $ else printf,unitlog,'* arithmatic averaged frames *' close,unitlog endif end