;;; REDSPEC, a GUI software package for reduction of spectrum data. ;;; Sungsoo S. Kim, UCLA Astronomy ;;; version 1.0 -- October, 2000 ;;; version 2.0 -- December, 2000 ;;; version 2.5 -- February, 2001 ;=============================================================================== PRO etalon, nline, coef, obsfitorder, low=low, use_interpol=use_interpol, $ use_callamp=use_callamp COMPILE_OPT hidden if (n_elements(low) eq 0) then low=0 if (n_elements(use_interpol) eq 0) then use_interpol=0 if (n_elements(use_callamp) eq 0) then use_callamp=0 if (use_callamp eq 0) then lampnow='target' else lampnow='calibrator' if (use_callamp eq 0) then strnow='' else strnow='.cal' readpar, lampnow+'etalon', etalonfile, err if (err ne 0) then begin message = DIALOG_MESSAGE("Proceeding without an etalon image...") nline=0 return endif idummy=0 & xdim=0 & clip_ya=0 & clip_yb=0 get_lun,funit openr,funit,'spat.map'+strnow readf,funit,idummy,xdim,clip_ya,clip_yb close,funit free_lun,funit cushion=4 ; For better performance of fixpix at the edges. ydim=clip_yb-clip_ya+1 image=readfits_rs(etalonfile,/silent) if (low ne 0) then image=rotate(image,3) sizetemp=size(image) ydim_orig=sizetemp[2] cusha=cushion