function debleed, imgs, bpar0, bpar1, $ nfix = nfix, nowrap = nowrap, $ badpix = bp, masks = masks, $ silent = silent, help = help ;+ ; Correct the bleeding in a NIRC image assuming exponential decay. ; For a pixel at location s0 with flux f(s0), the decay model assumes ; this pixel contributes to a pixel at location s1 which is ; subsequently readout: ; ; f_bleed(s1) = f(s0) * c0 * exp[c1*(s1-s0)] ; where ; c0 = normalization ; -1./c1 = decay length scale ; c2 = residual bias level in the data ; ; Note that NIRC array is readout from left to right and bottom to top. ; ; Can have different coeffs for each readout or just use same coeffs ; for all 4 readouts (latter runs much faster) ; ; By default, the debleeding wraps from the top of image to the ; bottom of the image (set /nowrap to disable). Technically, this is ; incorrect, but in practice, this is useful to prevent bottom edge of ; the debled images from having slightly more counts than the rest of ; the images. ; ; INPUTS ; imgs images to be debleeded ; bpar0 decay coeff c0 ; a scalar or a 4-element vector (for each readout) ; bpar1 decay coeff c1 for decay (in units of every 4th ; pixel, i.e. per readout) ; a scalar or a 4-element vector (for each readout) ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS ; nfix length of bleeding to correct (per readout, ; i.e., nfix=64 means correct 256 pix length in image) ; nowrap do not wrap from top of image to bottom when debleeding ; badpix bad pixel mask (0=bad, !0=good) ; masks masks for each image (0=bad, !0=good) ; ; RETURNS ; outimgs debled images ; ; USES ; strc ; ; HISTORY: Written by M. Liu (UCB) 11/12/96 ; 02/03/97 (MCL): much faster (vectorized) algorithm ; able to handle multiple images ; 02/10/97 (MCL): accepts coeffs as either scalar or 4-vectors ; wraps from top to bottom of the image (added /nowrap) ; 02/19/97 (MCL): bad & masked pixels are unchanged in output image ; 09/29/00 (MCL): prints 4 updates per image (instead of 8) ; ; Please send comment/questions to ;- BADVAL = -1e6 n0 = n_elements(bpar0) n1 = n_elements(bpar1) if (n0 eq 0) then bpar0 = 0.0027 if (n1 eq 0) then bpar1 = -1.0/16.31 if n_params() lt 1 or n_elements(imgs) eq 0 or keyword_set(help) then begin print, 'function debleed(imgs,{bpar0},{bpar1},' print, ' [nfix=],[nowrap],[badpix=],[masks=],[inlist=],[silent],[help])' print, ' default c0 = ', strc(bpar0) print, ' -1/c1 = ', strc(-1/bpar1), ' pix/readout' retall endif ; initialize output sz = size(imgs) if (sz(0) eq 3) then npics=sz(3) else npics=1 xs = sz(1) ys = sz(2) np = sz(4) np1 = np-1 outimgs = imgs ; sanity checks of masks if not(keyword_set(bp)) then bp = bytarr(xs, ys) + 1B $ else begin szb = size(bp) if total((sz-szb)(1:2)) ne 0 then begin message, 'input and badpix images not the same size', /info retall endif endelse if keyword_set(masks) then begin szm = size(masks) if total((sz-szm)(0:2)) ne 0 then begin message, 'input images and masks not the same size', /info retall endif endif ; initialize cofficients: ; check if correction will be done per readout (rdflag=1) or ; if treat all readouts the same (rdflag=0) rdflag = 0 if (n0 ne 1) and (n1 ne 1) then begin if (total(bpar0 - bpar0(0) + bpar1 - bpar1(0)) ne 0) then begin bscl = fltarr(sz(1), sz(2)) rdflag = 1 endif else begin bpar0 = bpar0(0) bpar1 = bpar1(0) endelse if not(keyword_set(silent)) then $ message, 'correcting each readout separately', /info endif else if not(keyword_set(silent)) then $ message, 'treating all readouts the same', /info if (bpar1(0) ge 0) then begin message, 'invalid c1 = '+strc(bpar1(0)), /info retall endif ; establish number of pixels to fix PER READOUT if not(keyword_set(nfix)) then nfix = xs/4 xx = findgen(nfix) xx4 = xx * 4. if not(keyword_set(silent)) then begin message, 'correcting ' + strc(nfix) + ' pixel bleeding per readout ('$ + strc(nfix*4) +' pix total)', /info message, strc(npics)+' images to debleed', /info endif ; loop over images and correct for k = 0, npics-1 do begin if not(keyword_set(silent)) then $ print, form = '($,"image ",A,": ")', strc(k) ; copy of original image with bad pixels set to 0 ; neglect bad pixels in the bleeding correction since ; their bleeding will cancel during sky subtraction out = imgs(*, *, k) if keyword_set(masks) then begin immask = (bp * masks(*, *, k)) ne 0 orig = out * immask endif else begin immask = (bp ne 0)*(out ne BADVAL) orig = out * immask endelse ; do correction by shifting the entire image in steps of 4 pixels (for ; the 4 readouts), multipying by the appropriate bleed factor for ; each shift, and then subtracting from the data for i = 1, nfix do begin ; shift the image ; if /nowrap, mask out the pixels at the bottom imsh = shift(orig, i*4) if keyword_set(nowrap) then $ imsh(indgen(4*i)) = 0 ; determine bleed factor for this shift for each readout if (rdflag eq 1) then $ for j = 0, 3 do $ bscl(xx4+j, *) = bpar0(j) * exp(bpar1(j)*i) $ else $ bscl = bpar0 * exp(bpar1*i) ; subtract the bleed for pixels with this shift out = out - bscl * imsh if (i mod (nfix/4)) eq 0 and not(keyword_set(silent)) then $ print, form = '($,A," ")', strc(4*i) endfor if not(keyword_set(silent)) then print ; leave the bad and/or masked pixels unchanged in output image wbad = where(immask eq 0, nbad) if (nbad gt 0) then $ out(wbad) = (imgs(*, *, k))(wbad) ; save to output array outimgs(*, *, k) = out endfor ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OLD SCHEME: more intuitive, much much slower! ; treat image as a 1-d array for correction ; note: don't need to correct the last 4 pixels ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; calculate (normalized) bleed for each readout ;nbleed = fltarr(nfix, 4) ;for i = 0, 3 do $ ; nbleed(*, i) = bpar0(i) * exp(bpar1(i)*(xx+1)) ;wgood = where(bp ne 0, ngood) ;if not(keyword_set(silent)) then $ ; message, 'pixels to debleed = '+strc(ngood), /info ;for i = 0L, (ngood-1)-4 do begin ; ; determine which readout line ; rr = wgood(i) mod 4 ; ; get the pixel ; pix = img(wgood(i)) ; ; make the bleed ; bleed = pix * nbleed(*, rr) ; ; subtract the bleed ; bb = wgood(i) + xx4 + 4 ; wg = where(bb le np1, ng) ; outimg(bb(wg)) = temporary(outimg(bb(wg))) - bleed(wg) ; if (i mod 1000) eq 0 and not(keyword_set(silent)) then $ ; print, form = '($,A," ")', strc(i) ;endfor ;if not(keyword_set(silent)) then print return, outimgs end