#this is a test zero bias MACRO # note: the array is read out 10 times, #the bias is zeroed, restored and flushed #ten times, then readout 10 times again #2 sets of these sequences are done for itime=1sec, #10sec and 30 sec. #GResetsNS = usually 20000 #VDET voltage # SetDac 1 10 -3.35 #VDDUC=-3.75 #SetDac 1 11 -3.75 #VGGCL voltage #SetDac 1 0 -3.0 #was SetDac 1 0 -3.15 #BGreset = 20usec #BGR.ns 40000 #reset delay before int #BGR.min.ms 250 #bgr.ms 2000 #Gflt 3.454 #Osf 0.1 Stop #Slit Mirror #Rot 0 Object onaka_zb_sat_test MACRO SlowCnt 12 autosave on # 1 GFlt Blank m.wait 30 isready cycles 5 Comment prefluxsamples 1_prezero itime 90 go isready GFlt 3.454 m.wait 30 isready cycles 5 Comment fluxsamples 1_prezero itime 90 go isready GFlt Blank m.wait 30 isready cycles 1 #ZERO BIAS #VDET voltage SetDac 1 10 -3.75 #VDDUC=-3.75 SetDac 1 11 -3.75 #VGGCL voltage SetDac 1 0 -3.75 isready m.wait 5 #RESTORE 0.4Vbias #VDET voltage SetDac 1 10 -3.35 #VDDUC=-3.75 SetDac 1 11 -3.75 #VGGCL voltage SetDac 1 0 -3.15 isready Comment FLUSH frame Slowcnt 1 Coadd 500 Itime 0.01 go isready m.wait 40 Slowcnt 12 Coadd 1 isready #preread to set level Comment bias drift correction Itime 10 go isready cycles 5 Comment blanksamples 1_postzero itime 90 go isready cycles 1 autosave off