pro fitspec, wl, flux, eflux, $ chisqarr, sptarr, extarr, dof, $ Avmax = Avmax, $ wlrange = wlrange, $ display = display, $ nodisp = nodisp, $ outfile = outfile ;+ ; given a spectrum, loop through calibrator sample and fit spectrum ; for the spectral type and the reddending ; ; uses "dwarfspectra-fit.lst" for list of spectra ; ; 07/26/01 MCL ; ; added 'Avmax' parm ; for fits w/o extinction, will plot chisq vs spt and find the minima ; added /display: examine best fit for each calibrator ; can write to output file ; 09/12/01 MCL ;- if n_params() lt 2 then begin print, 'pro fitspec, wl, flux, eflux,' print, ' chisqarr, sptarr, extarr, dof, ' print, ' [Avmax=], ' print, ' [wlrange=], ' print, ' [display]' print, ' [nodisp]' print, ' [outfile=]' return endif ;; range of wl's to fit ;wlrange = [1.95, 2.4] if not(keyword_set(wlrange)) then wlrange = limits(wl) ; list of reddenings to explore if (n_elements(Avmax) eq 0) then Avmax = 0.0 Av_list = makex(0, Avmax, 1) ; get list of calibrator spectra ; sort by spectral type readcol2, 'dwarfspectra-fit.lst', speclist, sptname, ref, units, specdir, $ form = 'a,a,a,a,a', /sil spt = sptypenum(sptname) ss = sort(spt) speclist = speclist(ss) sptname = sptname(ss) spt = spt(ss) ref = ref(ss) units = units(ss) specdir = specdir(ss) ; initialize nspec = n_elements(speclist) next = n_elements(Av_list) chisqarr = fltarr(nspec, next) sptarr = fltarr(nspec, next) extarr = fltarr(nspec, next) ; normalize object spectrum w = where(wl ge wlrange(0) and wl le wlrange(1), npix) wlobj = wl(w) fobj = flux(w)/median(flux(w)) efobj = eflux(w)/median(flux(w)) dof = npix-2 ; degrees of freedom ; loop over calibrator stars print, form = '($,A)', 'looping over calibrators: ' ;for i = 0, nspec-1, 6 do begin if keyword_set(display) then begin win, 0, 500 lincolr endif for i = 0, nspec-1 do begin ; load calibrator spectrum and shift to object wl scale readcol2, /silent, specdir(i)+speclist(i), wlcal0, fcal0, form = 'f,f' print, form = '($,A," ")', sptname(i) fcal = interpol(fcal0, wlcal0, wlobj) fcal = fcal/median(fcal) ;plot, wlobj, fobj, chars = 2, ps = 10, /xs ;oplot, wlobj, fcal, col = 2, ps = 10 ;if not(getyn('ok?')) then stop ; loop over extinctions for j = 0, next-1 do begin ; store the SpT/extinction combination sptarr(i, j) = spt(i) extarr(i, j) = Av_list(j) ; extinct fcalext = fcal * mag(0.412 * wlobj^(-1.75) * Av_list(j), /rev) fcalext = fcalext/median(fcalext) ; compute g.o.f. chisqarr(i, j) = total( ((fcalext-fobj)/efobj)^2. ) endfor ; display best fit for each calibrator if keyword_set(display) then begin whereismin, chisqarr(i, *), wm, y, /silent plot, wlobj, fobj, /xs, $ tit = 'SpT = '+strc(spt(i))+', Av = '+strc(Av_list(y)), chars = 2 oplot, wlobj, fcal * mag(0.412 * wlobj^(-1.75) * Av_list(wm), /rev), col = 2 wait, 0.5 endif endfor print if not(keyword_set(nodisp)) or keyword_set(outfile) then begin ; open output device if keyword_set(outfile) then begin fdecomp, outfile, disk, dir, name, ext ps_open, name, thick = 5, /color endif else $ win, 0, 500 ; 2-d fit: contour plot if n_elements(Av_list) gt 1 then begin loadct, 15 display2, chisqarr, spt, Av_list, $ tit = 'reduced chi-square', chars = 1.5, $ xtit = 'sp type', ytit = 'A(V)' ; 1-d fit endif else begin ; plot chi-sq vs SpT plot, spt, chisqarr, ps = 8, $ xtit = 'sp type', ytit = 'reduced chi square', chars = 2 cc = poly_fit(spt, chisqarr, 2, yfit) oplot, spt, yfit sptbest = -cc(1)/cc(2)/2.0 plots, [0, 0]+sptbest, !y.crange, line = 1 whereismin, chisqarr, wmn, /silent oplot, [spt(wmn)], [chisqarr(wmn)], ps = 6, sym = 2 reg2dev, 0.1, 0.9, xd, yd xyouts, xd, yd, /dev, $ 'best SpT (fitted) = '+string(sptbest, '(F4.1)')+$ textoidl('!Cbest SpT (min \chi2) = '+strc(spt(wmn(0)))), $ chars = 1.5 datestamp, 'FITSPEC.PRO' ; over plot best fitting spectrum (based on chi-sq minima) if (! eq 'X') then win, 1, 500 & lincolr, /silent w = (nearest(spt, sptbest))(0) readcol2, /silent, specdir(w)+speclist(w), wlcal0, fcal0, form = 'f,f' fcal = interpol(fcal0, wlcal0, wlobj) fcal = fcal/median(fcal) plot, wlobj, fobj, /xs, $ tit = 'best fitting spectrum (fitted chi-sq minima)', chars = 2 oplot, wlobj, fcal, col = 2, thick = 1.5*!p.thick endelse message, 'min reduced chi-square = '+strc(min(chisqarr)), /info datestamp, 'FITSPEC.PRO' if (! eq 'PS') then begin ps_close gv, outfile endif endif end