SIMPLE = T /image conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 /bits per data value NAXIS = 3 /number of axes NAXIS1 = 518 / NAXIS2 = 512 / NAXIS3 = 2 / BIASSUB = '= Bias subtraction value of 1438.00' / DARKSUB = '= Dark subtraction value of 16.7773' / CR_REMV = 'Cosmic ray removal 90/3 (sdev/box width)' / COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy andCOMMENT Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.COMMENT Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the COMMENT FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information. COMMENT = Overscan subtraction performed on land95_137-139.49.fits CREATOR = 'Linux Apogee version 0.3 (2001-1-28)' / Data-taking program OBSERVAT= 'Mauna Kea Observatory (NASA IRTF) ' / Observatory Site TELESCOP= ' IRTF ' / Telescope Name LATITUDE= '19:50:0 N' / [deg] Observatory Latitude LONGITUD= '155:28:0 W' / [deg west] Observatory Longtiude INSTRUME= 'Apogee ' / Instrument DETECTOR= 'Apogee ap7p' / CCD Detector ID INSTID = 'ccd ' / Instrument ID Code OBSERVER= 'Bobby Bus' / Observer(s) OBJECT = 'test ' / Target Name IMGTYPE = 'Object ' / Image type code EXPTIME = 15.00 / [sec] Exposure time DARKTIME= 0 / Dark time during exposure TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / Time System is UTC DATE-OBS= '2003-10-26' / Date of start of observation TIME-OBS= '15:12:44' / Time of start of observation MJD-OBS = 52938.633843 / MJD at start of obs JD = 2452939.13384 / Julian Date at start of obs EQUINOX = 2003.25 / Equinox of coordinates RA = '00:00:00.00' / Object RA at EQUINOX DEC = '+00:00:00.00' / Object DEC at EQUINOX SECZ = 0.000 / Secant of ZD at start of obs FILTER = 0 / Filter wheel position [1-8] FILTERID= 'none ' / FilterID SHUTTER = 'OPEN ' / shutter state TECOOLER= 'ON ' / TE Cooler state CCDTEMP = -16.7 / [C] CCD temperature at readout CCDXBIN = 1 / Column Binning on detector CCDYBIN = 1 / Row Binning on detector GAIN = 2.00 / [e-/ADU] CCD gain END p lp 8 8 8 1 8 8 ?