pro pscoords,image,norder,origin,dimen,trueval,pixcenter=pixcenter ; Writes an image to the postscript file and sets up coordinate systems for ; subsequent graphics overlay. Does not erase first. ; norder =0 (default) for origin in the lower left, ; norder =1 for origin in the upper left ; "origin", if set, is a 2-element array containing the inch coordinates of ; the lower-left corner of the image. Default is [1.0,1.0] ; "dimen", if set, is a 2-element array containing the x and y dimensions ; of the image in inches. If dimen(1) is zero, the true aspect ratio is ; preserved. If dimen is not set at all, aspect ratio is preserved and ; a margin of width "origin" is left in the "tightest" direction ; ; If trueval ne 0, will print true color (trueval = "true" parameter ; Notes: ; Works in either portrait or landscape mode. ; Margins are set with respect to the plot area defined in the "device" ; statement, not the edges of the paper. ; Coordinates are set by default from zero to the number of pixels, so coordinate ; (nx,ny) is at the lower left corner of pixel(nx,ny) (IDL convention), for ; norder=0, and in the upper left for norder=1. To set up coordinates ; in which (nx,ny) is in the *center* of pixel (nx,ny), set /pixcenter. ; To plot axes on the image after calling this routine, use e.g., ; plot,[0],/noerase,/nodata ; or, for instance to show arcseconds... ; plot,[0],/noerase,/nodata,xrange=!x.range*platescl,yrange=!y.range*platescl ; To use !p.multi and scaling for future plots, ; set !p.position,!x.range,!y.range=0 first if keyword_set(pixcenter) then delta=0.5 else delta=0.0 if n_elements(trueval) eq 0 then trueval=0 imsize=size(image) if trueval eq 3 or trueval eq 0 then begin xsize=imsize(1) & ysize=imsize(2) endif else if trueval eq 2 then begin xsize=imsize(1) & ysize=imsize(3) endif else if trueval eq 1 then begin xsize=imsize(2) & ysize=imsize(3) endif aspect=1.0*ysize/xsize pixinch=[!d.x_px_cm,!d.y_px_cm]*2.54 ; Pixels per inch xinches=!d.x_size/pixinch(0) yinches=!d.y_size/pixinch(1) if n_elements(norder) eq 0 then norder=0 if n_elements(origin) eq 0 then origin=[1.0,1.0] if n_elements(dimen) eq 0 then dimen = [xinches-2*origin(0),0.0] if n_elements(trueval) eq 0 then trueval = 0 dimen=1.0*dimen origin=1.0*origin if dimen(1) eq 0 then begin if dimen(0) eq 0 then testy=yinches-2*origin(1) else testy=yinches-origin(1) if aspect gt testy/dimen(0) then begin print,'Image size is constrained by y extent' dimen(1)=testy dimen(0)=dimen(1)/aspect endif else begin print,'Image size is constrained by x extent' dimen(1)=dimen(0)*aspect endelse endif print,'Printed image size = ',dimen(0),' x ',dimen(1),' inches', $ format="(a,f6.3,a,f6.3,a)" ;tv,image,origin(0)*pixinch(0),origin(1)*pixinch(1),order=norder, $ ; xsize=dimen(0)/pixinch(0), ysize=dimen(1)/pixinch(1),/device tv,image,origin(0)/xinches,origin(1)/yinches,order=norder, $ xsize=dimen(0)/xinches, ysize=dimen(1)/yinches,/norm,true=trueval ; Redefine the plot window to coincide with the displayed image: !p.position(0)=origin(0)*pixinch(0)/!d.x_size !p.position(1)=origin(1)*pixinch(1)/!d.y_size !p.position(2)=(origin(0)+dimen(0))*pixinch(0)/!d.x_size !p.position(3)=(origin(1)+dimen(1))*pixinch(1)/!d.y_size ; Redefine the plot data range to coincide with pixel coordinates: !x.range=[0,xsize]-delta if norder eq 0 then !y.range=[0,ysize]-delta if norder eq 1 then !y.range=[ysize,0]-delta ; Draw invisible plot to set up axis ranges: plot,[0],xstyle=5,ystyle=5,/noerase,/nodata ; Set axes styles to 1 to force subsequent plots to use this exact axis range: ! ! return end