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Thread: mysql: MySQL-3.21.27-gamma - tar: directory checksum error

Message: 35585
FROM: Paul Duran
DATE: 03/30/1998 19:53:38
SUBJECT: mysql: MySQL-3.21.27-gamma - tar: directory checksum error



I just downloaded the 3.21.27-gamma source from ftp.tcx.se and when
uncompressing the sourcecode, i get the following error:

tar: directory checksum error

I believe that the tarfile is corrupt or something because not all of it is
When I gzip -d the .tar.gz file, the size is:
mysql-3.21.27-gamma.tar: 14356480 bytes

I tried twice , re-downloading the source, but the same thing happens.

Could somebody please confirm this, and if it is correct, rebuild the tar.

- Paul Duran				- Phone: (02) 9964 3592		-
= Software Engineer			= Email: 	=
- Hutchison Telecoms Australia (Ltd)	- Fax:   (02) 9964 3550		-


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