Search & Download

Use this form to search for IRTF FITS data. Maximum number of search results returned is 5000. Please adjust the date range to fetch other results.

The results will appear in a new tab, including an option to download a retrieval script. See Data Retrieval Instructions for how to use the script.


Please provide at least one search parameter from Semester, Start UTC Date, End UTC Date, Program ID, RA, Dec, Object, or Observer.

Semester in YYYYS format
Enter an IRTF semester. Semester name are in the form YYYYS, where YYYY is the year and S is either "A" or "B", e.g., "2000A" or "2015B" are valid semesters.
Start UTC Date, End UTC Date in YYYY-MM-DD format

To search over a time period, enter both of the dates (search includes both the dates). To search for only a date, enter it in any of the date fields.

FITS keyword DATE_OBS or equivalent is used to identify the date of observation. Format for the dates is YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. "2000-12-25".

Program ID
Enter an IRTF Program ID, e.g. "2015B001", to search for a specific program ID. Program ID were not routinely used in all IRTF data until after 2015 or so.
Instrument ID
Limits the search to a specific IRTF instrument. Select from the pull down menu or "Any" to match any of the indexed records.
RA in hour angle, decimal or sexagesimal value
Enter RA in hour angle (decimal or sexagesimal in hour:minute:second format) to filter using a J2000 FK5 position. For example, "0.9868361" or "00:59:12.61".
Dec in degree, decimal or sexagesimal value
Enter Dec in degree (decimal or sexagesimal in degree:minute:second format) to filter using a J2000 FK5 position. For example, "19.82619" or "19:49:34.3".
Radius in degree, decimal value
Radius to filter using a J2000 FK5 position.
A substring match will be used for the Object input. The FITS OBJECT values are searched. For example, the input "13936" would match a FITS data with "HD13936" in the OBJECT field.
A substring match will be used for the Observer input. The FITS OBSERVER values are searched. For example, the input "joseph" would match FITS data with "Joseph, Rothberg, Bendo" in the OBSERVER field.